
Integrated Thinking
by Andrew Lee


If you are a well-read person in Neo-Tech, probably nothing in this document will be new to you. Not a single statement or fact, in isolation, will feel overwhelming or even educational. The power lies mostly in the way the puzzle pieces are assembled, that is, the picture that I emotionally build through the right brain. That final picture you see will be the new knowledge offered in this document and specifically revealed in the Epilogue.

Plato's Disease

We all know about Plato. He was the one who laid the foundation for 2,300 years of altruism. More accurately, Plato's philosophy has propagated through the centuries in the form of "memes". Neo-Talk has witnessed long discussions on the subject of memes. Memes are simply right-brain emotions, about a particular subject, that get transferred from person to person. Every sentence you utter could carry with it a harmful meme mutation from the Plato disease. Let us take a closer look at the Plato meme. Let us look under the hood and see what the engine is made of. We shall examine all the parts in detail. I now place the Plato meme on the examination table for you to see... According to Plato, the perceptual world around you is not fully real... only partly real. The perceptual world is actually a "shadow" or effect of what is absolutely real. Things that are absolutely real are abstract concepts like government, God, society, "higher" causes, and the collective image of the universal human being. Those absolutely real things subvert the perceptual reality that exists in front of you... subverting it to a low and insignificant level. The computer keyboard sitting in front of you is real, yes. But it's not as real as the profoundly real concepts of government, justice, the economy, and altruism. Your paycheck is insignificant and less real than what is absolutely real, such as the concept of the Federal Government Of The United States Of America. There is nothing wrong with developing a concept. In fact, that is what Neo-Tech/Neothink is all about. With Neo-Tech/Neothink, you build concepts from percepts. But Plato is about subjectively creating concepts from thin air... concepts spun from "the power of your intellect". The concepts you "create" out of thin air are more real than the perceptual world around you because the perceptual world around you is only a shadow of the absolutely real concepts spun from "the power of your mind".

In fact, those of you who misunderstand the nature of Zonpower will quite subtly shift into the "power of your mind" syndrome and start creating concepts out of thin air... while subverting the perceptual world into oblivion. That is, perceptual data from the perceptual world will not register in any meaningful way because they're unimportant, insignificant, and can be controlled since they're only shadows of some grand scheme. They are not as real as those "Zonpower" concepts. But in reality, existence always exists. What is is. Plato's disease is the most virulent form of mysticism in this world. It epitomizes what mysticism is: the primacy of consciousness over existence. But we all know that existence is always primary over consciousness. Consciousness is metaphysically passive. Thus all those "wonderful" concepts spun from the "power of the mind" are merely figments of the imagination... nothing more. I look outside my window and see a bird's eye view of some neighboring houses, their driveways, and the street on which they reside. It is peaceful. Yet, in Plato's world, this place could be raped dry on the basis that its existence is less real than the existence of some government scheme. But remove that Plato world "hovering" above, and now what do I see? I see nearly nothing. It is boring. Surely there must be more to reality than this. But there is nothing else. Nothing can possibly be more real than the houses, driveways, and street sitting in front of my eyes right now. Plato has propagated throughout the ages in the form of memes. These memes contagiously spread from person to person... or they can be broadcast through the media or from a neocheating politician. One must be on constant guard against Plato memes, as even a person versed in Neo-Tech can occasionally let one slip by and cause destruction of perceptual-world values.

Why Plato And Mysticism Are So Addictive

Platonism, indeed any form of mysticism, gives the perfect rationalization to be lazy... the perfect rationalization to ignore details... the perfect rationalization to be obese... the perfect rationalization to forget important facts... the perfect rationalization to avoid further exploration of the perceptual world... the perfect rationalization to never integrate reality and never build jigsaw-puzzle pictures that reveal elements of the world around us. For, as the reasoning goes, why do all of that when those mind-created "realities" spun from the "power of the mind" are more real and important, more real and influential. Just as sex undermines the behavior of those who suppress it, the perceptual world undermines and controls those who suppress it as well. Sex subconsciously controls those who neurotically suppress it in the name of "higher realities". Similarly, the sensuous perceptual world subconsciously controls those who neurotically suppress it in the name of "higher realities". Even a highly ambitious business person may find that, instead of him controlling the work, the work is actually controlling him. A depressed person may resort to beer gorging, casual valueless sex, and a couch potato lifestyle... yes indeed, the perceptual world is undermining and controlling that person because he or she subjugates the perceptual world under the "power" of mind-created concepts. It takes tough thinking to deal effectively with the perceptual world. But since Plato-diseased persons rationalize perceptual data as trivial, they do not notice their ineffectiveness in dealing with the perceptual world. It takes hard thinking and hard labor to deal with the perceptual world. But in mysticism, honesty becomes trivial and arbitrary. Death becomes trivial and arbitrary. Everything one sees in front of one's eyes becomes trivial and arbitrary. The person's subconscious philosophy orients itself toward existentialism. A young child who is relatively free of mysticism devotes his or her entire mind toward the perceptual world. Both the sequential-logical left brain and the emotional-romantic right brain are firmly locked on the perceptual world. This is evident when you see children play. Children do not spin "absolutely real", "higher reality" concepts from their mind. All concepts they do build are based firmly on the perceptual world. Without the perceptual entities, those concepts will never exist. All concepts epistemologically comprise and depend entirely on the perceptual entities. More precisely, concept formation occurs when two or more perceptual entities are pieced together to form a bigger picture. For example, a child pieces together every room in the house to form a bigger picture of the house. Or different visions of houses are pieced together to form an all-encompassing vision of the neighborhood. It is this very act of piecing together reality that defines Neothink. There are no "higher realities" in the neighborhood vision. Only the piecing together of the perceptual entities. The resulting bigger pictures, which hierarchically build upon one another, are the only real concepts that the mind can ever produce... the only valid concepts based on perceptual reality. There is nothing more to reality. No "higher realities" exist, and none ever will exist. This is the state of reality forever. The perceptual world is not on some "lower plane". One can never "break through the perceptual realm into the conceptual realm" because all concepts, valid and mystical, are mind-created. Metaphysically, there is no "higher reality".

Admitting To A Lifetime Of Platonism

It is not easy to admit to a lifetime of Platonistic behavior. A Platonistic person pretends that higher realities exist. To fully admit this mistake, after a lifetime of dishonest Platonism, is to shatter one's ego to the point of perhaps feeling like committing suicide. To fully admit the absence of all those silly mind created "realities" is to experience a total loss of context and spiritual paralysis. When one develops the gall to confront oneself, friends, and relatives as one's true self... that perceptual reality is real in the highest possible sense of the word, the person's mysticisms come crashing down. What is left is a dark world of seemingly nothingness. I call this dark world "Point Zero". Point Zero is a transitory stage in the curing of mysticism. Soon thereafter, one starts exploring the perceptual world as a young child. Instead of "creating" concepts out of thin air, one starts expanding concepts based only and entirely on what is experienced in the perceptual world. Point Zero can be both frightening and liberating. Frightening because one no longer has a conceptual framework to guide one's life. Liberating because one can live life innocent and free -- while knowing that this is the real source of genuine power.

The Emotional Right Brain

As we all know, the human brain is divided into two distinctly separate hemispheres: the right and the left brains. Each hemisphere can function separately and independently of the other, even when sliced apart through medical surgery. That means each hemisphere can see reality in its own unique way. For example, the left brain sees reality in a sequential and logical narrow-scope manner. What it sees is indeed reality. But the right brain sees reality in a different way. It sees reality in a romantic, emotional, exploratory, wide-scope way. When you dream at night, you likewise see things this exact way. Dreaming is a right-brain process. When dreaming, there is no sequential thinking nor logic. Dreaming is the ultimate expression of what the right brain sees... the essence of what right brain thinking really is. Imagine waking up and living your entire day with only your right brain. Imagine that your left brain is dead. What do you now see? Life would be a big dream. It would feel exactly as if you were dreaming at night. Imagine stepping up to a postal clerk and ordering a money order. This routinely left-brain task now becomes flipped into a right-brain dimension. No longer can you effectively deal logically with the numbers and sequential flow of the money order purchase. What you see instead is the dream-like emotional picture. What you see is still reality... but reality in a different light. Music is a right-brain process. Especially the romantic, deeply emotional music of Baroque classical music. Baroque classical music requires several, if not more, sessions of intense listening before the right-brain emotions begin to blossom. When those emotions blossom, intense emotions can be felt. Those emotions are of the same genre as the dream-like view of purchasing the money order from the postal clerk. Art and aesthetics is likewise a right-brain process. In art and aesthetics, abstract values are captured in the perceptual world through symbolic right-brain thinking. Many of you have read Zonpower from Cyberspace. That Dr. Wallace publication is extremely right-brained. I would seriously doubt that Dr. Wallace thinks entirely in that right-brain mode, as full consciousness requires the integration of both the right and the left brains. When you look at Yasuhiko Kimura's "Neo-Tech: The Philosophical Zero", you do not experience a right-brain process. No, you experience a predominantly left-brain process. This might be explained by the fact that Yasuhiko probably had written the document in another language, and the translation aspect had dampened any right-brain emotions that could have existed. This limitation may also explain why Yasuhiko's document is not as commercially successful in the U.S. market as are other NT documents. The very words you are reading in this document are engineered to be predominantly right-brained: the view of reality as if it were a dream. It is still reality, but in a different mentality. Hence, if you were reading this document looking for left-brain explanations, you will feel lost and confused. The one word that can best describe right-brain thinking is the word "experience". Human experience, to be exact. The right brain does not actually "think" in the logical sense. Instead, the right brain "experiences" reality in the form of intense emotions. The right brain still sees a picture of reality. But it also experiences that picture. What follows is a story of the "Three Little Pigs" expressed in the sequential/logical left-brain mentality: A wolf is crawling through the forest and stops in front of three houses. Each house is made of a different substance: straw, twig, and brick. The wolf notices that there is a pig located inside each house. First it tries to blow down the house that is made of straw. The house instantly falls apart, and the wolf eats the pig in satisfying enjoyment. Then the wolf tries to blow down the house that is made of twigs. This house, too, falls apart, and the wolf eats the second pig. Then the wolf tries to blow down the house that is made of bricks. But this house does not fall. The wolf tries again. It blows at the house. Again, the house does not fall. The wolf pauses. The house cannot fall because it is made of brick, and brick is much stronger than the wind propelled by the wolf's lungs. Therefore, the house does not and cannot fall. The wolf finally stops his blowing and crawls away into the darkness. The remaining pig is safe. [Note sequentially and logic] Now follows the same story expressed in the dreamful and emotional right-brain mentality: One day, a violent and hungry wolf storms several houses within which three innocent pigs reside. The wolf successfully blows down two houses made of fragile, weak material, and devours those pigs. But one strong and powerful house remains. It stands strong. The pig within is safe. The wolf, disappointed, leaves off into the woods. [Note lack of detail, lack of explanations, and the putting of things into proper perspective] Right-brain thinking exposes the fake mind-created "realities" of mysticism and Platonism. Isolated, unintelligible mind-created "realities" have no place in the world of the right brain. That is why the right brain shuts itself off during the day when we're awake... to protect our ego and our mysticisms. What we are left with is an emotionally dead world... an emotionally dead world exists within the minds of nearly every person living in this anticivilization. What we are left with is an emotionally dead society. Why an emotionally dead society? What can possibly drive an entire civilization of conscious people to neurotically suppress right-brain emotional thinking? It starts with laziness. It is the unwillingness to exert the effort to piece together perceptual reality, and then rationalize that laziness with Platonic "higher realities". The right brain must be kept silent in order for those rationalizations to survive. That is why our society is emotionally dead: laziness protected by dishonesties. Dishonest laziness is threatened by right-brain thinking. So right-brain thinking must be suppressed. Right-brain thinking is also required for Neo-Tech, which means fully integrated honesty. Full integration is not possible without the right brain. The right brain, through powerfully strong emotions, generates the leads for retrieving all relevant facts that pertain to a particular situation or thinking problem. It is precisely through these intense emotions that the myriad collection of data in your mind can be "felt" all at once. It is these emotions that put reality into perspective to expose dishonest mysticism. Putting reality into perspective is what the right brain does. Right-brain thinking based on the perceptual world, rather than the Platonistic world, is a fundamental requirement to the cure for mysticism.

Integrated Thinking

You are walking through a beautiful state park filled with beautiful landscape, trees, lakes, and woods. As you gain experience and knowledge walking through the park, you begin to piece together a picture of what the park looks like from an aerial view. A shape begins to form. The park is shaped sort of like a figure-8 with a small pond on the top right and thick woods on the bottom left. This picture triggers certain emotions in your right brain. The sunny sky above, the fresh pond water, the greenness of the grass... you emotionally "feel" the picture. You have just built a puzzle-piece picture of the park based on a gluing-together of perceptual entities. No, you didn't create any "higher" realities. You simply glued things together to see what the park looks like from above. How about gluing together all the rooms and hallways of your house? The resulting vision you see is not some "higher" reality. It simply is reality... it is still based on the perceptual world. Your vision of the entire house triggers certain emotions in your right brain. You emotionally "feel" the picture, as crystal sharp as any other percept... as crystal sharp as a pencil. This overall picture isn't more real than the pencil. It is just as real. The realness of the pencil and the house are equal in intensity. Nothing in reality can possibly be more real than the pencil and the house. Now, how about gluing together your house plus all the different houses and streets in your area to yield a beautiful picture of the neighborhood? If you do not know enough about your neighborhood, try this exercise on a neighborhood you may have experienced in your youth. Once you have glued together your house, you can start gluing together your neighborhood. Assemble all the streets and houses that you know are there. When you are finished assembling, you can see an awesomely beautiful picture of the neighborhood... not exactly experienced as a picture per se, but as an emotional experience combined with various symbolic visions and percepts. Yes, through the right brain, you can feel and experience various complex emotions in this puzzle picture. But the neighborhood isn't any more real than your foot, the keyboard sitting in front of you, or the house you pieced together before. They are all at the same realness level. Every single detail of the perceptual world must be accounted for in your day-to-day dealings with reality because those details are just as real as the neighborhood. Those details are as real as real can get. But Neothink is never finished. Now piece that neighborhood you just envisioned with all the other neighborhoods in your area or town. Can you now feel an increasing power? First you must piece together all the different houses in each separate neighborhood. The quality of this process depends on your limited experience in each of the neighborhoods, so glue together as much knowledge as you possess. Finally, when all the neighborhoods are ready, you puzzle-piece everything together to form an awesome picture of the city or town. Your right brain emotions start kicking in. You can feel extremely complex emotions. Those incredibly complex emotions accompany the images and visions in your mind. This is the launch pad of genuine power. Remember, the puzzle-piece picture of the city or town is no more real than your house or the residents within. It is simply just as real as any other percept you would experience within your home. Everything is at the exact same realness level, and nothing can metaphysically be more real than all these things. Neothink puzzle-building is not arbitrary. The mind does not dictate where the pieces fit. The mind only discovers where the pieces fit. Reality is the ultimate arbiter of where the pieces fit. Remember, the mind is metaphysically passive. But Neothink is not limited to neighborhoods and cities. Neothink is not limited to the perceptual world. It can, and often does, involve abstract concepts. In fact, it is the abstract concepts wherein explosive power actually resides: Zonpower from Cyberspace, The Long Wave, and The Neo-Tech Discovery leave a mystical aftertaste in the mouths of many readers. They seem like "higher realities". But Neo-Tech/Neothink never involves "higher realities". One must approach those documents nonmystically. When this happens, an interesting phenomenon takes place: a whole new world is unveiled. Unveiled is the nature of our world and indeed our universe. No longer does Zon appear to be "Zon above" with a higher existence than you. Suddenly, you are as real as Zon himself because both are at the same realness level. Zon is no more real than you. You are Zon. Furthermore, a nonmystical Long Wave perspective suggests that you and Zon both experience the same reality, the same existence field. The essence of existence is business, since consciousness (metaphysically passive) is as eternal a part of existence as are matter and energy. Thus you and Zon coexist in the same happy business field in the context of infinity.


It all comes down to the disease of mysticism. What prevents you from discovering integrated pictures of reality? What is blocking your "this-worldly" right brain from synergistically combining with the left? The answer is "other-worldly" mysticism. "Other-worldly" mysticism is needed to justify laziness in this world... while blocking the "this-worldly" right brain. In essence, it all comes down to a collision. It is a collision between the "other-worldliness" of mysticism and the "this-worldliness" of the right brain. Such a tragic collision is what zeroes out any hope of puzzle-piece thinking anchored in "this-world". In essence, to "succeed" in the unreal world, you will actually fail in the real world. To actually succeed in the real world, you will "fail" in the unreal world.

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